Thursday, January 8, 2009

Making coffee the old-fashioned way

We don't have a coffee maker. Long story short, we needed a Braun to fit the filters we already own...and that's not available anymore in the US (at stores anyway). So we've ordered one off of, but it's not here yet. :-((

I told myself, "Hey, they didn't have coffee makers until the 20th century--you can do without!" But the first batch I poured most of it into the sink while trying to strain it through a paper towel (those darned grounds). The second batch I couldn't figure out how many scoops to put in...and it was detestably weak. The third, after I bought a strainer, was better, but the paper towel really slowed things down (paper towel inserted into strainer). Now I'm just using the strainer, and besides the hassle of trying to pour from a heavy, hot saucepan, is a vast improvement (especially when I get it strong enough).

I have always thought that the medical breakthroughs of the 20th century (in order of importance) are:
1 - Birth control
2 - Penecillin

But now I'm adding #3 - Coffee makers!! ;-))

Can't wait 'til our new one arrives. Now to find some cardamom to add to the grounds to make it really Gulf-style!

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