Friday, December 19, 2008

Is the US really more interesting than everywhere else?!

Sometimes, living overseas it's hard to believe that we're not the most important place in the universe!

Why? Well, we're in Italy now and the front page of Milan's evening newspaper (Corriere dela Serra) is about the US government's loan to car companies (Crisi dell'auto negli Usa: maxiprestito del governo = Auto Industry Crisis in US: Maximum loan from the government). But guess what? The front page of the BBC News website? You guessed it: Bush unveils $17.4bn car bail-out. Now part of this could be that the global economy really is global...and Europe is just as dependent on the US's car industry as the US is. But the cynic in me says "What? Nothing important enough happened in Italy or the UK to be top of the news page?"

And I also wonder if it's just easier to report about the US (or in many places, complain about the US) rather than report about what's happening at home. Distraction, anyone?

What do you think? Please comment below...

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